Beginning of Jury Selection

Two days of jury selection in the Chad Daybell trial and 20 potential jurors have not been released. They need to get to fifty before they can select the final 18. Looks like it’s possible that it could happen by the end of this week which would likely mean opening arguments would start the following Monday. Still a long way to go though so we’ll see.

The big news is that my book is finally available for pre-order. Just hit the Purchase Book button. Don’t forget that all of the profits from the book go directly to Hope House to help children in need. Believe me, Hope House appreciates your support.

Remember that the book can’t be released until there is a verdict in the Chad Daybell trial hopefully around the end of May.

I have had the opportunity to reconnect with some people while attending the trial and that has been awesome for me. I have spent time with Detectives Ray Hermosillo, Chuck Kunsaitis, fellow juror Laura, Lauren Matthias from Hidden True Crime, Tammy Daybell’s Aunt Vicky to name a few.

If you haven’t already checked out Hidden True Crime podcast you are missing out on a lot of good information. Lauren and her husband Dr. John Matthias are so full of good information and are super interesting.

I will continue to go to Chad Daybell’s trial and keep you updated here.

I am well into my book two about this case and hope to wrap it up and have it available within a few months after the trial is over.


50 Jurors in the Pool


Seat In The Courtroom